200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 200 hours yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India at our school to become an RYT – 200(registered yoga teacher) with yogic food and accommodation is the best course for those who has done the beginner’s course or basic practices. More than this, the course can be only started when you are enthusiastic about becoming a yoga teacher, full with the techniques of meditation and yoga. The major question, if the great Indian sages learned Yoga and Meditation after the tenacity of several years along with very rigorous work (Karma) so how can we learn it in just 28 days or 200 hours? The simple answer, you can not learn it but you can learn how to learn it. Simply means, you will learn the techniques and the way to learn to live yogic life. During the teacher training course you will be feeling an inartificial environment that helps you to connect the nature and inspire you from inside. The course will give you opportunities to feel the Indian culture, nature and tradition with experienced and amicable yoga teachers/masters. Come and join our life changing program that includes yoga and traditional Indian meditation sessions without editing it and give a break to your heady life.
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Curriculum
200 hours yoga teacher’s training in India – Rishikesh at your selected yoga school (gurukul) Naryana Yoga Sthal is internationally certified from Yoga Alliance, USA and will be your amazing and genuine experience. With the feel of natural beauty of mother river Ganges, you will learn Indian traditional yoga and meditation stride techniques that become you an RYT in 200 hours yoga.
Introduction to yoga
- Origin of Yoga
- History of Yoga
- Benefit of Yoga
- Indian Traditional Yoga
- Great Yoga Masters
- Yoga Simple & Advanced Techniques
- Connectionof Body & Mind
- Guidelines of Yoga Class
- Yoga as Exercise
- Yoga Etymology
- About Vedic Ascetic Practices
- Yoga as Karma & Bhakti
Shatkarma (Yogic Cleansing)
- About Shatkarma
- History of Shatkarma
- Benefits of Shatkarma
- Jal Neti (Nasal Cleansing with Water)
- Sutra neti(Nasal Cleansing with Rubber)
- Kunjal Kriya (Vaman)
- Nauli (Abdominal Breathing)
- Vastra Dhauti Kriya
- Danda Dhauti Kriya
- Agnisar Kriya
- Trataka (Concentrated Gazing)
Mantra Chanting (Recitation of Sacred Utterance)
- Ganesh Mantra
- Gayatri Mantra
- Shanti Mantra
- Guru Mantra
- Aum Mantra
- Mangala Mantra
- Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya
- Maha Mantra
Pranayama (Breathing Controls)
- What is Prana?
- Benefits of Pranayama
- History of Pranayama
- Kapala-Bhati (Frontal Brain Cleansing
- Nadi-sodhanam(Psychic Purification)
- Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)
- Ujjayi (the Psychic Breath)
- Sheetatli(Cooling Breath)
- Sheetkari (Hissing Breath)
- Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath)
- Surya-bheda(Vitality Stimulating Breath)
- Introduction of Kumbhaka
Mudras (Yoga Gestures)
- About Mudras
- Benefits of Mudras
- Bhairava Mudra
- Chin Mudra
- Hridaya Mudra
- Jnan Mudra
- Vishnu Mudra
Bandhas (Energy Locks)
- What is Bandha?
- Benefits & Effects
- Procedure of Locks
- Mula bandha(Anal Lock)
- Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)
- Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock)
- Maha bandha(All Locks Same Time)
Yoga Asanas (Yoga Postures)
- Surya Namaskar A (3 times)
- Surya Namaskar B (3 times)
- Padangusthasana
- Padahasthasana
- Utthita Trikonasana
- Parivrtta Trikonasana
- Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C, D – Parsvottanasana
(A, B, C & D)
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana- Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
- Utkatasana
- Virabhadrasana A & B
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana A B C & D
- Purvattanasana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
- Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirsasana A B & C
- Marichyasana A B C & D
- Naukasana
- Bhujapidasana
- Kurmasana
- Supta Kurmasana
- Garbha Pindasana
- Kukkutasana
- Baddha Konasana A & B
- Upavishta Konasana (A & B)
- Supta Konasana
- Supta Padangusthasana A & B
- Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
- Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
- Setu Bandhasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Urdhva Pindasana
- Matsyasana
- Urdhva Padmasana
- Sirsasana
- Urdhva Dandasana
- Baddha Padmasana
- Yogimudra
- Utplutih
- Tolasana
- Savasana
Squence of Hatha Yoga Practise
- Start with Sukhasana
- Joint Movements (starts from neck, joint to toes
- Marjariasana Series – Table top position
- Adhomukha Svanasana Series
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Series
- Surya Namaskar with Mantra Chanting
- Balancing Postures Series
- Standing Postures Series
- Kneeling Postures Series
- Prone Positions Series
- Supine Positions Series
- Savasana
Yoga anatomy
You will learn anatomy and physiology relevant to yoga in order to strengthen the classroom explanations, cues, and corrections of asanas. The class will cover digestives system, skeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, muscular system, anatomical names of the body, planes of the body, major joints of the body, anatomical terms of movements, yoga asana alignment based on applied anatomy.
Yoga philosophy
This class will focus on introducing you to the basic philosophy, concepts, and history of yoga. It will cover the various traditional philosophies and viewpoints, insights from modern research, and ways in which the essence of this holistic life-view can be integrated into a modern lifestyle.
- Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga
- Hatha yoga pradipika
- Bhagwat Gita philosophy
- Yoga sutras of Patanjali
- Panch koshas
- Mudras and chakras
Teaching methodology
This class will focus on introducing you to the basic philosophy, concepts, and history of yoga. It will cover the various traditional philosophies and viewpoints, insights from modern research, and ways in which the essence of this holistic life-view can be integrated into a modern lifestyle.
- Techniques of teaching yoga
- Adjustment and alignment techniques
- Basic class plans
- Student and teacher guidelines
Included excursions
There will be weekly excursions with Narayan Yoga Sthal that includes activities such as river rafting, temple treks, trekking, Ganga Aarti, river meditation, heritage visits to Beatle ashram, trips to beautiful waterfalls, and beach outings.
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India: Daily Schedule
As per the criteria and requirement set for the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course by Yoga Alliance USA, there will be a reasonably tight schedule. This 200 Hour Yoga Training will be schedule on 6 days for the intensive study and practices and on the 7th day there will be Himalayan sightseeing, Holy Shrine & Temples Visits and Explore time as the related aspects of yoga training. In spite of such intensive schedule you could find this training an enlightening and interesting process of transformation. During your training you will have an opportunity to live with nature. The Yoga Training schedule begins at 5:30am with a short morning prayer followed by a pranayama session. Then there comes the morning session for the traditional Yoga Postures (Hatha-Yoga) before the breakfast.
Typical Daily Schedule
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India: Course Dates
This 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India is usually held on 1st – 28th of every month throughout the year. So you can apply for any month in advance. Our few upcoming the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses are on the following dates:
200 Hour Yoga TTC Course Dates
01 /11/ 2022 – 28 /11/ 2022: Apply Now
01 /12/ 2022 – 28 /12/ 2022: Apply Now
01 /01/ 2023 – 28 /01/ 2023: Apply Now
01 /02/ 2023 – 28 /02/ 2023: Apply Now
01 /03/ 2023 – 28 /03/ 2023: Apply Now
01 /04/ 2023 – 28 /04/ 2023: Apply Now
01 /05/ 2023 – 28 /05/ 2023: Apply Now
01 /06/ 2023 – 28 /06/ 2023: Apply Now
Price (USD):
$1600 (Private room)
$1300 (Shared room)
Certificates will be provided at the end of the course duration.